Category Archives: Windows

Remote desktop connection with 2 or more multiple screens

Hit “Winkey + R” to open the “Run” box write mstsc and hit Enter Click the “Show options” button and go to Options tab, mark the “Use all my monitors” checkbox. Enjoy! Idit

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Resetting windows server 2012 R2 local administrator or any local user passwords

Boot the server with the original windows media (You can obtain original media directly from MS for free as a 180 days free Evaluation: ) Click “Next” on the first setup screen Then click “Repair your computer” Then click “Troubleshoot” … Continue reading

Posted in Windows, Windows servers | Leave a comment

When adding Office 2016 product keys to KMS – The specified KMS product key is invalid, of is unsupported by this version of VAMT. An update to support additional products may be available online.

  Add Office 2016 Key to KMS server: In order to add the KMS you need to install the Microsoft Office 2016 Volume License Pack 1. Download the Microsoft Office 2016 Volume License Pack  fro here Follow the steps:  … Continue reading

Posted in Office 2016, Windows, Windows servers | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

When adding Windows 10 product keys to KMS – The specified KMS product key is invalid, of is unsupported by this version of VAMT. An update to support additional products may be available online.

    If you  receive this error while trying to import your Windows 10 product keys to KMS VAMT server 3.1, it means that you need to upgrade your VAMT version. It is not possible to import Windows 10 keys … Continue reading

Posted in Windows, Windows 10, Windows servers | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Ping multiple computers

I came across this need  to check the availability of multiple devises by pinging them  , this script will preform ping to computers from a csv file and will create another CSV file with the computer name and true if … Continue reading

Posted in Scripts, Windows | Leave a comment

Show who holds the FSMO roles in the domain and forest.

log onto a domain controller and run the following command. netdom query fsmo Idit

Posted in Active Directory, Windows | Leave a comment

Powershell error : “.ps1 cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system”

When You are trying to run a PS1 script in Power shell you are getting the following error: “File C:\scripts\.ps1 cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system. Please see “get- help about_signing” for more … Continue reading

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“system volume information” folder grow into a huge size

there are 2 ways to make this folder smaller, the first GUI method changes from one OS to another so i will not specify all the OS options here, a simple search in google with: “configure shadow copies windows [your … Continue reading

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