Exchange 2003 – SMTP error 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for

One of my customer got this error after adding a new SMTP domain to mailboxes.
In his case he add the email address directly from the AD to some mailboxes and then got this error when trying to send them an email to the new address.

The solution for his problem was to create a new recipient policy and add to it the new external domain.

Create a new Recipient policy:

GO to Exchange system manager –> first organization –> recipients –> Recipients policies

you can add the domain to the default policy if you need to add it to all mailboxes or you can set a new policy for specific mailboxes.

In this case I created a policy for specific mailbox filtered by OU

1. right click on Recipient policy –> New recipient policy


2. Choose – Email address


3. Modify –>find –> Organization units


4. Select the OU


5. New SMTP Address


6. Write @Yourdomain



Good luck!

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