“Update Rollup 17 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 3 (KB4011326) 14.3.352.0′ could not be installed. Error code 1603”
:After searching the web I’ve found a way to run the setup with verbose log redirected to a file
“Exchange2010-KB4011326-x64-en.msp /lxv*! c:\Rollup.log”
And this is the log that I’ve got
Searching the c:\Rollup.log file didn’t helped me at all,
Finally I’ve deleted the folder: “C:\ExchangeSetupLogs”
And ran the setup again,
After the installation failed I saw that inside of “C:\ExchangeSetupLogs” folder there were 3 new files, one of them was “ServiceControl.log”
Researching this file I’ve located the following error:
“[Error] System.Management.Automation.ParseException: At C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Scripts\ManageScheduledTask.ps1:462 char:5”
Then I’ve opened the file in the mentioned location using PowerShell ISE, navigated to line 462 and saw that there was an error: “Flow of control cannot leave a Finally block.”
I backed up the file before changing that line to: “Write-Verbose $success”
Then rerun the setup and it completed successfully!
Just to be on the safe side, after the installation finished successfully I’ve returned the backed up script